We are all currently finding ourselves in extraordinary circumstances. The coronavirus is having a significant impact on everyday life. Here are some links for those involved in supporting children in foster care.
Public Information on the UK COVID-19 situation, UK.gov
Guidance for Social and Community Carers, UK.gov
Symptoms and Treatment of COVID-19, NHS
The information below comes from the work of The Fostering Network. They bring together everyone who is involved in the lives of fostered children. They champion fostering and seek to create vital change so that foster care is the very best it can be. Therapeutic Fostering works closely with The Fostering Network so all our carers are well informed and even further supported.
How The Fostering Network can help

- "During this time of uncertainty due to coronavirus, all our helplines will remain open as usual for any fostering-related queries, including those which arise as a result of coronavirus. If you need any support, advice or a listening ear, please get in touch.
- Members can also make use of our stress support service and legal helpline.
- If you are a foster carer with concerns or queries about coronavirus and local practice (such as contact arrangements), or it's impact on your fostering because of health, then please contact your fostering service in the first instance as they know you, your family and the children in your care.
- Our practice staff across the UK are working with fostering services to advise on best practice in these unprecedented times, and we will keep responding to the needs of our members via our website, helplines and staff.
- We are liaising with other organisations, including statutory bodies, across the UK to enable consistency of advice to fostering services, and to ensure the needs of our foster carer and fostering service members are being fed in to national decision making.
- Our online community can also be a place to support and share advice with each other/others from the fostering community.
- We are creating a list of useful resources for foster carers during this time. Please see below as we add to that list. We would love to hear from you if you have a good suggestion for our list. Please email us at media@fostering.net"
If you found this news helpful, be sure to support the work of The Fostering Network by visiting the original post here.
We hope that all of our carers stay safe during this period. Should you face any concerns or problems during this time, do not hesitate to contact us either by email, or by phone. We can get through this, together.
Published on:
Thursday, July 23, 2020